Arany János Hungarian School

Established in 1975, the weekend school has been in operation every September to mid-June from 9:30 till 1:00 p.m. We accept and welcome registrants not only from first to eighth grade but pre-school children from 3 years of age and up. Since January 2018 we have added classes, named Cirógató, for the youngest students, the babies (with mothers).

The trained primary to intermediate teachers cover subjects such as reading, writing, Hungarian literature, history, geography and physics in the classes. Of course, our students acquire an education about folk-games, -customs, -tales and -songs as well. In addition to education, the school organizes a number of programs for the students, such as the Christmas celebration, the Carnival afternoon, Easter celebrations, the Poem Recital Competition and the closing ceremony. The aim of the Hungarian school is to promote good relations between children and parents, to understand each other, and to familiarize Hungarian children growing up in Canada with our traditions and values. In this way will they become self-aware young men and woment, proud of their origins, with a desire in preserving their Hungarian identity.

The HCCC Library

Currently closed due to COVID-19 retrictions. For several years after the closure of the old Hungarian House, the Toronto Hungarian community did not have a suitable location which could have replaced the old library. Following the opening of the new Hungarian House in 2015, a library was set up next to the hall in anticipation for our Hungarian books to fill the shelves. The Library's Board of Trustees and the librarian started the grouping of topics and genres with the help of two Kőrösi Csoma scholars in 2015-2016. In the autumn of 2017, Erika Kacsó, the library's curator, Mariann Csető, the librarian and Csilla Papp a Kőrösi Csoma scholar, completed the work. By November, all the books in the 6000-copy library were placed on the shelves. It was announced at the November 19 th Membership Luncheon that the Library has opened for the reading public.
Currently, the library is still under online cataloging, which means a considerable amount of work until the library is finalized. During the online systematization it is still possible for HCCC members to read a book during the opening hours or even to take out a book from the library. Opening hours are currently two days a week. Those interested can read or take out a book on Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. For members of the Hungarian House, the library can be visited and books borrowed free of charge, while non-HCCC members have a $ 30 annual membership fee. With a library card you can borrow a book for three weeks. This can be extended.
The library's content focuses on the classics of fiction, within which one can find epic, lira, or drama. In addition one can find in it the basic books of historiography, literary history, ethnography, religion, and art history. We paid special attention to the collection of emigration literature and we made room for books dealing with Hungary but written in English. Journals and yearbooks also enrich the repertoire. In addition, we were watchful that children should find interesting reading in the Children's and Youth Literature section. We place importance in providing room on our shelves for books that are modern editions presently in the motherland so that for instance Hungarian-Canadians who appreciate gourmet foods can browse our cookbooks, while sports-lovers can find the most famous books of Hungarian football and sports history. The most valuable books, which are not available for borrowing, can only be read with access to the display cabinets.

Hangyaboly Theatre Company

The Ants in the Hat Hungarian Drama Group of Toronto is a niche initiative. The goal was to create a theatre where not only the audience, but also the actors could learn something new while playing and having fun. We want to teach first and entertain second. That's why we will/were designed to stage plays that not only make you laugh, cry and worry, but also teach you something new.
As an amateur theatre, all our members are amateurs, but they are all very talented women, men and children who want to play with heart and soul.
Pieces so far:
